Sunday, July 7, 2013

(Day 8) 7 Kids and a Wedding

We did it. We ran errands, spent the day on the lake, and made it to a wedding with all 9 of us showered, pressed, and somewhat happy.

Sasha chose to wear his glasses inside as well as outside because they clearly complete his fine Eastern European look. I think he is handsome without them, but he tends to tell me no a lot when I ask him to take them off. Parenting 101: pick your battles.

Sasha really was a good sport as I'm sure he felt like Aaron was playing dress up with him. Imagine coming to a different country with different EVERYTHING, including clothes. He was pretty irritated at first, but when Jaxon came out wearing almost the exact same outfit, he softened.

The conversation on the way there was priceless. In our slim ability to use familiar words with each other, somehow we get our point across.

Sasha told us he wants to go by "Alex", his American name. His real name is Olexander and when I introduce him to anyone around his age, he wants me to use that name. We asked Ilona if she wanted to have an American name and she said yes. I asked them about their last name and they told me, but then said "Collins" after each of their names. "Alex Collins, Ilona Collins, Alina Collins." I smiled.

On the way home they were pretty hyped up and silly conversations started up. Maybe it was the romantic feelings surrounding the wedding but out of nowhere Sasha said, "I love you Tara. I love you family." Then they all laughed.

Since they were in such a great mood I decided to drop the bomb that tomorrow we had church. I typed it out in google translate. Sasha read it and yelled, "TSERKOV' - NOOOOOO!" Then Ilona yelled out, "Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh." We told them church was good. They said no. I typed this:

Sasha nodded. Ilona laughed. Alina was too far back in the car to see it. I prayed we would make it through tomorrow.

Wedding/Post wedding photo shoot:

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